Website Design
It’s pretty much a requirement for all businesses have a great website but to have a great website design, you will need a great, locally based, San Antonio website designer.
Concept Incarnate™ brings a tremendous wealth of knowledge and website design experience to the table and will manage your website design project to make sure it as enjoyable as possible.

We understand that this is a big investment for your company and your image is at stake.
Journey to Discover Your Identity
Design is a cooperative effort between the client and the designer, but your project manager will guide you through the process so that there are only happy surprises and that all known expectations are met. Good things take time, just like most processes in business; website creation from sketch to launch runs between three to six months on average, dependent on the complexity of the scope.
Designing a worth-while website involves having clear business goals to be reached by the efforts, understanding how to best serve your website visitors, and having the talent to execute the effort.
Contrary to the initial belief of simple knowledge of computers, creating a worthwhile website takes much more. We offer a combination of marketing strategy, design talent, active team communications, and an outsiders perceptive to help understand your business as seen from an outsider (imagine that?).

Project Management Approach
Having a clearly defined vision and goal of a project, and measurements of success of a project are the key to a successful project. With these in mind, all efforts of the project can be measured against these items for efficiency. If a task or meeting is not contributing towards the goal of the project or any measurable unit of success, then that activity can be safely cut in order to keep focus on items that do meet such criteria.
Typically with creative projects, we follow the waterfall method of project management. This means that part A, must be completed before part B. Part B, must be completed by part C. Since we are bringing IT demands into this creative project, we will be tweaking this method a bit in include some benefits of Agile project management. Agile project management allows for cycles of work to be completed and for some flexibility for project deliverables to be altered, based on assessed needs discovered in the project flow. Concept Incarnate’s project manager has studied SCRUM. No matter how mammoth a project may seem, every project is achievable. This is because the project can be broken down into sections of work, and if those sections of work are still tough to achieve, those sections of work can further be broken down into smaller units of work.
Why Choose Concept Incarnate to Design Your Website?
Goal Oriented Design
At Concept Incarnate, we will survey your business needs and goals, and craft a website design that appeals to your audience. We will make sure all elements of the website carry their weight and enhance the goals of your business. We don’t design websites that simply look ‘cool’ but bring no value to your company.
Custom, Professional Design
We will always customize the website to fit exactly to your own business needs. We don’t believe is forcing your business goals to fit someone else’s template. We will never resell you a pre-made website template that we bought for 50 bucks; we respect the art of web design too much to do this.
Locally Grown Company
As a locally based website designer, you won’t have to wait for time to pass for outsourced website design to take place on another continent. You can meet us in-person and know you can trust that we will take care of you. As a local firm, we will be in touch with the local San Antonio audience base.
We Give You the Keys
All of our websites are designed to look good and be easy to updated by non-technical people. We give you the power to update your website on your own but offer assistance when you are too busy to take care of it by yourself. Training to use your website and hourly billing for our team are both options we offer to you.
Post Launch Support
We offer support to clients after a website has been launched to answer questions about how to make updates if needed.
Foremost, we want to make sure your website works for you, not the other way around.
Added Value
We work with you for the best possible website design, plus give you professional advice.. Depending on your situation, we may be able to help you find a new website hosting provider, create email accounts, assist with social media and point you in the right direction for other web-based needs. We offer a comprehensive digital support, rather than just giving you ‘a’ website.
Website Features
Websites vary by client needs, so we have a list of common features and a separate list of other functionalities that your website may need.
All of our websites include the following features:
- Responsive Design (desktop / mobile compatible)
- Custom Designed to fit Your Business Goals
- Easy to Update Using WordPress as your CMS
- Easy to Assign and Delegate User Roles to Staff
- Marketing-Goal Driven Design
- Social Media Integration
Other Common Features & Functions
These vary from project to project. If you don't see something you need, ask!
Post news using WordPress’s core Posts function. These can be searched, categorized, tagged and commented on (or not, if you wish).
We anticipate usage of galleries in a few places in a modern website. We will go out of our way to make it easy for you to upload the photos you want, and let WordPress do all the photo crunching to make it the right size and make it part of a image slider gallery automatically,
Will will apply back-end meta data to your images and give your website a technically well structure HTML outline.
This allows you to improve SEO on your own as your content updates and website evolves. It will give you tips on keywords and headline/content improvements. You won’t be stuck with the SEO that we give to you; you will have the tools to constantly improve your website any new content that you add to the website.
We will use an events calendar plug-in to allow for a visual calendar to be rendered. This lets users search for events, or just browse what is going on in a month. This plug-in is compatible with ticket sales, if you want to extend the calendar for such functionality.
YouTube video embeds will be available just by copying and pasting a YouTube URL.
This lets you fine tune search results, what is searched, and how the results render visually.
Makes searching on mobile devices easier.
We will install a widget that inputs a button for users to donate through PayPal. Donation/financial transaction occurs on PayPal servers. Can be re-curing.
This will offer a robotic translation of a web page into another page.
Allow for each page in your website to have a human-translation populate based on the user's language preferences.
Display testimonials from clients in a nice way. Great for showing testimonials in multiple places or filtering display results.
Allows for movement of objects in your website.
Display team members in a visually appealing layout.
so people can ‘like’ or ‘follow’ your page on Facebook/Twitter/etc.
so people can like and share a specific page or menu items.
This is just good for peace of mind.
We want to make sure to give you a contact form that you can add/delete boxes to, or change the ‘to’ or ‘from’ address as needed for submissions. We won’t subject form users to do math or answer crazy questions to send the form; we will instead use the modern check box captcha. We use NinjaForms.
to show your location
Giving staff members individual website accounts allows for better security when staff turn-over occurs.
Instead of forcing a user to download a PDF, let them view it embedded in a web page where relevant.
Let users increase of decrease the font-size of text. Great for people with poor eye sight.
Let users click an arrow to scroll to the top of the page.
instead of a link jumping to the middle of a page, scroll to it
Opens all external links in a new browser tab. One less thing for you to remember to set, right?
Get notified when a link in your website is broken with automatic scans.
Instead of the default WordPress colour choices, you can pick colours directly from your style guide.
Log when, where, and who is getting into the site.
If you need to add a link to your primary navigation, you can make the change once and see the change cascade to all pages.
WordPress is generally pretty secure, but this will make it better.
This helps to make your business look more professional.
We make a few tweaks that make it easier to spot what you want to update.
Use columns, buttons, icons with easy to use click-and-drag insertion into your page. No coding knowledge needed to update your daily content! Use of PageBuilder by Site Origins or column short-codes help to achieve this,
We will install a newsletter plug-in for your preferred newsletter distributor, often Constant Contact, iContact, or MailChimp.
We will install an invoicing plug-in. Your Customer Service Representatives can generate invoices for clients, and the client can pay their bill in the website. We will set it up, but daily invoicing tasks will by conducted by client. Users can login to a dashboard and see their payment history, whats past due and future due dates with a fool-proof colour coded, elegant interface.
Whether you in an internal, virtual training manual, or a library for your clients, this wiki will make the task manageable.
We will use a real-estate plug-in to list all rental properties. This will keep them organized, and easy to update. It allows for mapping of all locations (supermap), responsive sideshows to really show off a unit, and more features. You can even list the property managers as Property Agents.
We will install a plug-in that is compatible with the Invoice and real-estate plug-ins to function as a customer relationship management tool.
This plug-in is nice to have ready, in case planned major maintenance occurs. It gives viewers a friendly (customizable) message that the website is being worked on.
List job openings in a Job Management Tool. You can customize the employment form, collect resumes, and schedule interviews with this tool.
In case of a major announcement, like weather closures, or to promote a deadline or event, have a pop-up appear on your homepage.
Let users select a personal avatar without needing a separate Gravatar account. Do it all in your website.
Anytime a user clicks to enlarge an image, it pop-ups up in a light box.
great for usage in footers and sidebars.
WCAG Accessibility
Be inclusive and kind to your full target audience. We can offer you an accessible website. Generally, our websites are accessible by default, but if you specify this, we can go through the website with a fine tooth comb to make sure we meet WCAG 2.1 A/AA/AAA standards. This means people with disabilities, such as blindness, deafness, low vision, motor skill issues, can access your content with ease. We are able to offer this since we custom code our WordPress themes. We can train you on keep up accessibility as you update your content, or you can contract us to help you do this.
Generally, we test with ChromeVox/Screen Reader and Windows Narrator, along with a colour contrast tool.

Our Website Design Process?
We understand that this can be a big investment for your company, and with bigger investments, people like to read more, so we are offering a basic outline of an average website project.
As much as we would like the creative process to be completely linear, it sometimes is not. Most of these steps will contribute to the following step (Step A to be finished before Step B), but there may be a few steps that overlap on each other in the process, like the Content Generation Phase may be done simultaneously as we are working on the design. The Photography phase may also overlap on the design and development phases.
Common Phases
As with all design projects, we will need to establish goals for your website, define your target audience and identify graphics (fonts, colours shapes and textures) that appeal to your audience and support your goals. We will need to document any expectations and measurements of success. We will go through a creative discovery phase to do this. The creative discovery phase will consist of a creative survey (to be filled out at the beginning of the project), competitive research and design research for references to other websites that may inspire us and open up dialogue between the client and designer about creative expectations. This is also an opportunity for the client to reveal any creative visions that they may want to bring to the table.
We will discuss the anticipated web pages for the website and the relationship of the pages. For example, there may be an About page, and children pages of this page may be Our Team and Jobs. In your website proposal, we will typically provide a rough site map for your review and consideration. After the project kick-off, we will refine the list of pages to be built. This phase may take 1-2 back and forth emails or conversations to clearly identify the pages that you really want on your site.
We know looking at a list of pages can be boring to some people, but it is a great foundational step towards planning a website. As the saying goes, “Failing to plan, is planning to fail,” and we want to plan for success! This helps both Concept Incarnate and the client understand what the priorities of the website are. Sometimes, priorities might appear to be one topic, in theory, but in practically, if that topic is very small, and other topics take up the majority of the page count, it helps to reveal what the website is really about. A practical example of this is someone saying they want to eat more salads, but when it comes to dinner time, that person eating a burger and the salad going to waste; we want to keep out grocery budget in line with reality.
Note, post-launch you will have the ability to add/delete pages as needs change since this website is easily update-able in WordPress; if something else comes up post-launch you will have the flexibility to change pages, menus and hierarchy as your needs change. Please don’t have a fear of commitment to pages; as in software development thinking: it does not have to be perfect because perfect may never come; the cost-benefit ratio of reaching that last point to perfection may not be worth it or even noticed by most users. It just has to be better than before, and there is always room for further important later, as time permits.
You will generate content that will support the pages defined in the site map. Content generated by the client should be submitted in text or MS Word document to the designer; file names should indicate the page the content should be placed on.
At this point, we may find we need to add or delete a page or two from the site map due to lack of, or abundance of, content; it will be fine to do so as long as such additions are limited and do not result in new functionality requirements (ex: adding a new page with static text is different from adding a page with a shopping cart).
This text should be ready to copy and paste into the website. Typically, with websites that have many pages, we ask that the client make a unique Word document for each page, self-named to the intended page title, and organized in folders similar to the site map. Text should be editable and not embedded into images; text that needs to be typed from hand written notes or non-editable text, may be subject to additional hourly pricing as transcribing is not part of this proposal.
We can relay more technical specifics on file organization when the time comes for this process. We will work with your team to prioritize content on a mutual agreed upon schedule. Your team will deliver the content to Concept Incarnate on, manageable, incremental deliveries.
Also, keep in mind that content edits may be made by your team directly in WordPress after the delivery of the website, so there is less pressure to have everything 100% in place and polished. You can always edit it and make it even better later.
Professional Copywriting
A highly recommend option, we can offer professional copy writing consultations and assistance if you need help generating and editing copy. Keep in mind, you will need to be able to answer questions and give the copywriter(s) something to work from; they are not mind readers (yet)! It’s always best for an experienced writer, who is also new to your subject matter, to take an objective look at your text to figure out if it is clear, concise and coherent.
Concept Incarnate will provide you with two unique homepage designs with the provided sample content in place. This will be flat artwork made in a design program; it will incorporate ideas from
the creative surveys and our professional expertise. You may request two rounds of design updates to the one selected design. You may also mix-and-match elements of designs, if desired.
After the homepage design is selected, secondary pages will be designed using the same design styles.
Your custom proposal may vary in offerings.
Custom Professional Photography
Due to the nature of your business, it may be best to use custom photography. Keep in mind, real photos speak a lot better than stock when trying to describe your business, so we highly recommend this option! Depending on the scale of your needs, 1 or more photographers may be needed. Websites heavier in photography should prepare to have a budget for such needs.Stock Photo Licensing
Also due the the nature of your business, custom photography may not be an option. We will work with you to find the right stock photos for your website.DIY Photography
We don’t recommend this route for most clients. Unless you had some photographic training, the photos you may take yourself won’t best represent the value your company can bring through photography; this is the honest truth… but don’t worry… stock photos may be your best friend that you just haven’t met yet.Pre-Development
Concept Incarnate’s team will begin pre-development as soon as the hosting environment is ready. Pre-development includes installing WordPress, creating our team’s user accounts, installing WordPress plug-ins, and doing basic configurations on plug-ins and settings that are not dependent upon design designs. This step ensures progress is made in steps that should happen regardless of the final design of a site map or page templates. When the site map is approved by both parties, we will begin to also create the blank pages in WordPress and create the menu hierarchy.Front-end Development
Once the designs for the homepage, secondary page, and other agreed upon page templates have been approved by both parties, we will begin to convert these designs into HTML/CSS/PHP for usage in the website. Design changes will not occur once development has started, unless a change work order with additional pricing and time-line changes are agreed upon.Unit testing
As a page or object is customized or developed, developers will conduct unit testing for the segments of the site they directly handled. Content Placement This is where we start placing in content as soon as possible. We would need the page content submitted by the client and to have reached pre-development to have a place for such text. This phase will be on-going until all text/images have been received from the client.Internal Testing
The quality of anything we design and produce is important. This quality is our best reference and proof to our next client that their website will be of equal quality. It is very important to us that there are no errors and nothing looks blatantly broken on a website, because we do not want our clients to look bad and we don’t want out skills to look bad either. This is why we pay much attention to detail. We will test the website on multiple devices and operating systems to clean up any cross-compatibility issues. Our goal is to have tested the website for any functional or rendering errors, AND have such items resolved before passed to the client for user-acceptance testing. The Concept Incarnate team will begin to test the developed website, with the content in place. Testing will be inclusive of page rendering, comparison of the web page to the graphic mock-up, verification of the proper content, and testing of a links, forms, and interactive elements on pages. Pages will be assigned to testers; individual testers will be the champions of the success of that page. Any errors will be documented and reported to the development team. We will complete this initial round of testing on desktop. Developers will make the required modifications to clean up errors and send the items back to the test team members for further testing. This testing and modification cycle will continue until the test champion accepts the page to not have errors. After that round of testing is complete, we will begin testing for cross-browser compatibility. In some instances some browsers just can’t look exactly like another browser due to technology limitations of a specific browser, but we will do our best job to get the browsers looking as gracefully similar to the design mock-ups as possible per browser. Generally, Chrome and Firefox have far fewer issues than OS specific browsers upon initial testing. Internet Explorer, Internet Explorer Edge and Safari sometimes take a bit more attention to smooth out flaws. After the desktop version of the website has been approved by the test team, mobile testing will start. Testers will again test every page of the website, click on input boxes, toggle drop-down menus, click on buttons, and slide through photo galleries. Testing of mobile devices will occur on iOS, Android and Microsoft phones. Testers will document issues and submit them to the development team for correction. Developers will make the changes and request the testers again test the issues to verify correction. This cycle of testing and correction will continue until the tester approves the page as clear of any defects.This will be the client’s designated time to review the website, ideally in a state where it is close to being launched. This won’t be the time for design edits, like changing a colour scheme; it also won’t be a time for deciding to re-write previously submitted text. It will be a time for the client to review the website to verify that it matches the mock-up in a reasonable manner (print designs can be a bit different from output web designs). It will also be the time for the client to verify submitted copy has been placed in the right spot. Clients may also test out forms and any niche functionality for their peace of mind.
The client will also test to ensure that the delivered content is placed in the proper spot. Any forms, links or photographs associated with the placement may also be verified by the client.
The client’s Project Manager will gather all reported errors from their team and submit them to Concept Incarnate’s Project Manager. The client should record the page the error occurs on, the nature of the error, any steps to re-create the issue, the device and the browser the error, and the level of importance of the error (critical, low). Our team will test the reported errors to verify and perhaps request more information if needed. We will need to be able to re-create the issues found by the client in order to fix it. Once the issue is verified, issues will be resolved by the development team, tested by the test team, and upon clearance of the testers, sent back to the client for verification of the fix.
Testing of defects will be tracked internally by Concept Incarnate’s project site, where priorities, browser types, operating systems, resolution summaries can be tracked. Each issue will be marked as a separate ticket and will not close without resolution.
Approval of features should be limited to the features clearly written in this proposal. Features, such as an expectation for the website to make coffee, should not be considered guaranteed unless written in this proposal by Concept Incarnate.
- Training by live demo.
- Training by text tutorial. (non-standard price)
- Training by recorded video, (non-standard price)
- Training for Large Organizations
General Website Training
This will be a beginner level training session. It will include showing all needed team members the front end of the website, what is update-able, basic concepts of the mechanics of content updates in WordPress and a demo of simple content edits in WordPress. This is anticipated to be in-person session and for 1 - 2 hours.Administrator and Content Editor Training
This will be more intimate training session for SAHA team members that need to know much more about managing the website. Concept Incarnate will reach out to the client to ask if there are any specific functions that these members anticipate needing to know. We will demonstrate how to go over advanced WordPress functions that we see fit, and include the items specifically requested by client. Participants are encouraged to ask questions as they arise in the session. We generally go over all commonly updated elements, running down each important item in the right sidebar of the WordPress dashboard interface. This can get technical, but it limited to the changes that can be made in WordPress; we do not go over things like, ‘how to program.’ Generally, a training session of this nature takes 2 hours. A follow up training session can be conducted if needed. This is generally conducted with our screen-share service as we want the trainees to have a clear view of what to click on (conference room screens make people squint).Post-Launch Training
After the launch of the website, Concept Incarnate will be available for further training sessions on an hourly-billing basis. Sometimes clients find they discover new questions about the website months after launch, because they never needed to edit a certain something before or simply got a bit rusty in exactly how to execute steps. As an added courtesy, for a period of a time set in your proposal post-launch, you may submit brief questions about content maintenance via email. Questions should be limited to a nature of how to update content within the existing templates and using the functionality as delivered by the designer. Maintenance question response time should not total more than hours specified in your contract The goal here is that we want to you be comfortable editing your website and be able to maintain in so it can keep looking good post launch! If many people need to update the website or you want the peace of mind of being able to update the website after your content manager moves on, we can offer additional services of a printed/digital training manual. Training booklets are not part of our standard pricing. We are working on a general wiki library that should suit the needs of all clients in general training needs, which may be available upon request.We will launch the website so that the public can view it, provided that you have authorized us to do so! This may be able to be done at the in-person training session, depending on your set-up.
Optional Steps
Warranty Clone
Upon acceptance of the website that is developed, Concept Incarnate may create a clone of the website to be used for documentation purposes. This website will be locked ‘as-is’ to document the website quality upon launch. No changes will be made to this website by Concept Incarnate or Client. This website will serve as documentation should Client delete a file or database table and corrupt the production website, as client developers may have access to such items. The website will be working upon launch, but we can’t be responsible for changes made by Client that may break the website.Concept Incarnate is happy to offer maintenance and support services to clients on an hourly billing basis. Client may submit content editing requests via email or to our project management site. Generally, it may take up to 72 hours for content changes to be posted. If there is something that is urgent, the request by be identified as Urgent/Rush, but rush fees may apply, particularly on weekends or holidays. Client may ask for an hour estimate before approving changes to be applied, but this effort will slow down the turn-around time for the content updates to be posted. If a request is sent in that does not specify an estimate is required, we will proceed with the changes and the hours will be billed to your monthly tab.
So, umm.... do you want to get together for some coffee sometime?